Exit Sandman: Ironheart Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KingOfRohan · 4346

Say "bye bye" to Sandman, because he's about to be a goner.

Ironheart Protection is a stone-cold Sandman-killer with easy access to toughness (with Perseverance, New and Improved, and the swap to Version 3) and the invincibility of "Go for Champions!" She can also defend (for 4 with Armored Vest), likely blocking whole attacks with perhaps 1 damage assigned to an ally to avoid triggering Surging Sands.

Her signature ally, Brawn, is happy to exhaust to remove sand counters, giving you access to his mental resource generation without dealing consequential damage.

Assess the Situation is amazing for Ironheart, allowing you to have smaller and bigger turns, for example letting 2 or 3 threat hit the main one turn so you can Fly Over the next turn.

Ever Vigilant is great for burst thwarting when needed (2 off the main and another 1-3 threat removal from the ready). Typically, you will use Perseverance earlier, Ever Vigilant in the mid game, and New and Improved late.

I will need to find a particularly tough modular for Sandman, because this deck has got his number!