Heart of Green

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Astrodar · 1320

I have been so excited for Ironheart, and she's finally here!

Just a quick overview to explain some of the inclusions:

  • The changing hand size makes for some awkward cost curves. Cards like Assess the Situation and Plan B help to smooth out that awkwardness.
  • Ironheart has good stats that move up to great stats. The readies from Ever Vigilant help you get full use out of those stats, including her 3 DEF.
  • If nothing else, Pinpoint helps turn one ally a turn into Clea.
  • Symbiote Suit is meant to be played mid to late game. Ironheart has a lot of readies through Ever Vigilant and New and Improved to capitalize on even better stats.
  • Between Starhawk and Pinpoint's ability, there are a lot more targets than it seems for The Power of Protection.
  • Ironheart ends up with a lot of health, Tough, and of course damage free turns with "Go for Champions!" This means that even with a deck like this that doesn't focus on basic defense, you can still do a lot to defend for the table.