Ms. Marvel - Sticking to Basics

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


I've been eyeballing Meditation for a while and trying to figure out a good deck to utilize it in, so this is my attempt.

Since Kamala Khan benefits from frequent flips to Alter-Ego, it seemed like a good fit for Meiditation. This allows her some high cost cards in her deck, so some heavy hitters like Venom (Eddie Brock), War Machine and Nick Fury join in. The Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier will also be easier to get into play.

With this many good Basic cards already in the deck, I chose to focus the whole deck on taking advantage of Basics. Naturally, bringing in two Power in All of Us makes the expensive Basics easier to bring along. Hit and Run is an excellent card for Kamala, with Embiggen and Shrink both powering it up. You will want to get these two cards out as soon as possible. 3 Ready to Rumble cards should help make up for lost time spent in Meditation. I think that Bruno is going to be very important to this deck, as he will allow you to store specific cards for when you meditate, or to store meditates for when they will be most beneficial.

This is one of the few decks I see some real utility for Lockjaw in. With this much Basic card economy, having the ability to pull him from the discard whenever you can afford him for cheap can make him far more valuable.

While the deck is set up as a Justice deck, there are only 5 Justice cards. You could easily switch out those 5 cards to make it into any other aspect.

PASSED: Red Hood, Kang, Taskmaster (all Standard - True Solo)