Hawkeye S.H.I.E.L.D. Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BoromirTheMan · 21

A deck that utilizes S.H.I.E.L.D. cards that bolster some of Hawkeye's weaknesses; his limited card draw is overcome by a plethora of resource supports that maximize the value of every card in hand and allow you to buy expensive allies, his lack of defense is overcome by his tons of cheap allies that can serve as fodder if you don't have someone defending for you in multiplayer, and his lack of thwart is bolstered by strong justice allies like Monica Chang, Quake, Spider-Man, and Speed. You'll mostly be on the defensive until you can get out some of the resource cards; it might be worth it to stay in alter-ego form for the first turn if you can get out a good ally to mitigate the threat. Once you start getting those cards out though you can get Mockingbird out every turn for essentially free with the Avengers Tower, Helicarrier, and Team-Building Exercise/Government Liaison, with Honorary Avenger Agent 13 readying the Helicarrier to give a discount on another card from you hand.

The highest priority should be getting out the quiver and at least one Expert Marksman to keep the villain and minions at bay while setting up. After that getting one of Helicarrier/Quincarrier/Avengers Tower should be the next priority so you can afford the fodder you need every turn to survive, with Team-Building Exercise and Government Liaison a nice bonus if you can afford them. The Surveillance Teams are mostly just there for Monica Chang's benefit, and I've found it's usually worth it to just keep them on the board with one snoop counter left so you can exhaust them for Homeland Intervention and get replenished if Monica comes back out on the board. The Field Agent's are there for Agent 13, which should never have to leave play once she comes out.