Iron Man - Endgame Suit-up (Project Post-con) [J]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3988

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-Con Build 2.0

Removed since previous version: 2x For Justice!, 1x Avengers Mansion

Added since previous version: 2x Surveillance Team, 1x Meditation

Iron Man has such strong hero cards, that he often does not rely too heavily on anything else. This means all other cards are just icing on the cake. With an effective hand-size of 7 in alter-ego due to his ability and a possible 7 hand size in hero after building-up, he get's to see and play a lot of cards with the easy of a millionaire.

All cards added should mainly help with either (1) mitigating treat in his build-up (or removing high burst threat amounts once flipped). This just screams justice build. Or (2) grabbing tech upgrades as fast as possible. This means increased card draw or adding additional tech. Furthermore, his cards should focus on printed resources for his Repulsor Blast with a secondary focus on resources to activate the Rocket Boots. This resulted in the following deck, which flies through many scenarios in style.


As most of his deck focusses on hero cards, there is no need for other resources than the basic three. The need for printed resources also limits the use of any wild resource cards.


This deck has very few allies as chumping is less critical. In his building phase, defending is not an issue, so allies are mainly needed for thwarting or supporting card draw. Once built, Tony can often fly solo. Furthermore, the allies in this deck are just so good thematically for the MCU-lovers.

  • War Machine gained a lot more value since Two Against the World, which we'll discuss in the event section. However, besides this, War-Machine is not such a critical ally.
  • Spider-Man is great for thwarting, but so expensive. Luckily Tony has his 6 hand-size in alter-ego during building and a massive 7 hand-size once built.
  • Nick Fury helps cycle the deck to get the upgrades faster and is worth some thwart as well. In multiplayer his value increases as he can block for other players during Tony's build-up.


A lot of Tony's upgrades are his suit, which basically gives him board control without spending hand cards once fully built:

  • Powered Gauntlets handle minions, while Mark V Helmet handles threat together with Arc Reactor. The latter gives Tony 2 thwart actions at 3 THW with Heroic Intuition.
  • Mark V Armor is nice for some extra HP, which makes you won't have to flip much anymore once built.
  • Rocket Boots finally are critical to get Aerial, which is a great boost for his gauntlets and helmet. Luckily, you have two. So missing one in the first deck run is not critical if it helps get the other upgrades faster. The HP boost is just a nice bonus.

Besides his suit, these upgrades help Tony out a lot:

  • Heroic Intuition as mentioned works wonders with Tony's decent THW stat and ability to re-ready.
  • Counterintelligence and Under Surveillance give some breathing room in alter-ego form to contain threat.
  • Enhanced Awareness provides the needed resources to fly, without diluting the deck's resources too much for Repulsor Blast.
  • Plasma Pistol, finally, is a horrible card, but it has the tech trait. This means it gives more options to build asap. Three copies are included, while only 2 can be played, but the resource makes it a good target for end-game Repulsor Blast as well.


  • Pepper Potts is a great resource generator. You can aim it for resources in a pinch or plan your spending to get utilise the basic double resource cards twice.
  • Stark Tower is not critical, but can help making sure you don't lose any upgrades in your first deck cycle. Always grateful to have this one when a Caught Off Guard appears.
  • Surveillance Team is another way of continuously getting rid of some threat in alter ego till you get all those upgrades. Mostly, you won't need those long, but keep them in play to thin out the deck in favour of resources.
  • Interrogation Room is a fun cheap extra card, but nothing too critical to get out.


As these cards do not stick to the table, a focus on resources is of great help for hitting the Repulsor Blasts at the end-game.

  • Foiled! and Emergency are there to mitigate threat without needing to flip to hero mode during build-up.
  • Meditation helps get out more upgrades faster. Don't be shy to use it for a 2-cost upgrade either, as Tony doesn't need his ready for anything else till he has enough tech.
  • Two Against the World is nice to keep building upgrades, but remember you need to already be in hero mode to use it.
  • And then his two attack events Repulsor Blast and Supersonic Punch just do massive damage. The latter requires aerial, but this should not be a hurdle. As a result, combined with his Powered Gauntlets, this almost seems an aggression built late-game.

In conclusion, by mitigating Tony's largest weakness, namely his build-up, Iron Man becomes a massive powerhouse that flies through each scenario in style.