Ghost-Spider - Vigster Cardomatic Universe (VCU)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vigster · 18

Note: I build all of my heroes so my decks are optimized only in the sense of the collection - hence the VCU tag. Welcome to the Vigster Cardomatic Universe!

Ghost-Spider or Spider-Gwen is a very solid web warrior and the aim is to play Interrupt or Response to get her to ready and do her thing again.

To that end - the deck is built with events that enable it - so that she can defend in the defensive phase, then again in the hero phase to her drawing an attack.

Of these, the first three can pair with Flow Like Water to also deal 1 damage to the attacker.

Get Behind Me! is the standard ignore treachery and get attacked instead and Return the Favor can bring a treachery and deal damage.

Of course this is a Web Warrior hero and a multiverse one at that, so it would be remiss to not mention her biggest strength - her allies:

  • Spider-UK - retaliates based on number of spider friends
  • Spider-Man Hobie Brown - deals damage on departure - always the performer
  • Spider-Man - besties Miles Morales - who also needs lots of friends
  • Silk - ditch that Treachery!

These get significant help from Web of Life and Destiny as it makes all those allies freebies - plus Across the Spider-Verse which allows for a Web Warrior to call upon more Web Warriors.