Rocket Raccoon Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Ain’t nothing like me ‘cept me! - Rocket Raccoon Aggress 271 226 7 1.0
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Malterazzi · 1

So I’ll talk through my card choices first and then we will talk some strategy after.


Bug- I’m using Bug primarily to be a thwart machine, getting one thwart off and then getting the consequential healed off by attacking with rocket makes Bug stick for the long term.

Spider-Girl - 2 cost ally with a very relevant enter play ability.

Valkyrie- good solid attacking ally.


Mean Swing- Rocket has a fairly large arsenal of weapons at his disposal so mean swing. almost auto include, you should be able to play these whenever they hit your hand

Moment of Triumph- This covers another weakness with his low HP. we want to stay in hero form as long as possible to deal as much damage as possible so healing for 2-3, 2-3 times a game is super relevant to achieving that.

Relentless Assault- cost effective way of dealing with minions and it’s another way to trigger Rockets ability


Boot Camp- This card is great to get more mileage out of our allies over the course of the game.

Hall of Heroes- with all the excess damage cards we are built to deal with minions very effectively. now while I want to stay in hero form as much as possible, I definitely value drawing 3 cards very high. so I will flip to set up and draw off hall of heroes.

helicarrier- I don’t think I really need to explain this, 3 cost economy to set us up.


combat training - making rocket a 2 base attack makes our lives easier and makes mean swing even better

Endurance - I put this in every single deck at this point. giving us +3 health is so high for survivability and winning.

follow through - I think this card is very build dependent but with rocker and the excess cards like into the fray, moment of triumph, relentless assault. we get better payoff here.

hand cannon - really solid weapon, helps fuel what rocket wants to do by giving us more attack and overkill to trigger our card draw of rockets ability and combos with mean swing for big swings.

now for some basic strategy tips.

we want to play weapons and upgrades early and often. as well as an ally, I’d love bug early because they can control Threat and stick around while I’m building up my boards. so for mulligan I want a weapon and an ally, I’d also be ok with helicarrier or hall of heroes for some economy.

don’t be afraid to use I’ve got a plan to help control threat, since we ready we can get an attack off in that same turn regardless.

other than that this deck is fairly straightforward, it has a little more combo potential. you are often going to find you’ll trigger or play 2-3 cards an attack to deal excess, buff the attack, handle threat and heal.