Spider-Man - Crashing the Party!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

[Tom] · 487

This Deck works extremly good, either stunning or confusing the villain. Since Miles Morales has two innate abilities to stun and confuse, it is rather easy to stun or confuse even steady villains every turn.

How does this work?


Mockingbird, of course, is here for her stunning beauty. Nick Fury is perfect for digging deeper into the deck; also, ATK 2 is something rather special in justice. Quake will stop minions, when Miles flip to Alter Ego - which wants to to at least every third turn, to cycle Hero cards back into the deck. Spider-Man * Peter Parker (basic) is incredible: Attacking or thwarting with two and readying Miles is so extremly powerful!! Ghost-Spider is also a good attacker, but more important: she digs for the good cards when she leaves play! Finally Machine Man, who can do either damage or thwart for up to 4, which is sometimes the difference between win or defeat!!


Clear the Area will remove two Threat for free - also, brings you closer to the card you are looking for... Turn the Tide is basically the logical follow-up to Clear the Area! You want to do much damage quickly - and Turn the Tide is THE card for this! Concussive Blow - more Confuse, more damage! One Way or Another - one copy of this is enough. Most encounter decks have not more than one or two side schemes worth bringing on the table for a card draw of three. Playing this two or even three times was not worth it.


The default doubles plus determination. Two few expensive justice cards for The Power of Justice.


Endurance and Heroic Intuition are no-brainers. Skilled Investigator is cheap and good, when you have a setup with many side schemes, and it plays well with One Way or Another and Clear the Area. 2 Sonic Rifles for more Confusion and Damage!

How to play:

The main goal is preventing the villain from doing anything and then playing cheap Arachnobatics, for 8 damage each! You will have no problems dealing big damage quick; and it is no problem at all to switch to Alter Ego and back with Double Life, allowing a double attack and shuffling important cards back into your deck (like Double Life, for example).

This deck cleared Sinister Motives very, very easily and it is fun to play!