Valkyrie - Shieldmaiden of the gods

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fromundaman · 112

This is a multiplayer deck. It is completely untested in solo, so I have no idea if it works there.

The plan here is to throw deathglow on the villain for the added attack and defense when they attack you. Mancha can pretty efficiently soak up minions in most scenarios and Widow gives you some Encounter card control. The ramp comes in the form of economy and more importantly added effects whenever you're attacked.

Anticipation combos well with Chooser of the Slain, though it's not required for the build to work. You ideally want to pick 1 damage minions for Mancha to block, but you can take something stronger if the person playing the minion slayer role is okay with killing it that turn.

Shieldmaiden and Desperate Defense are great for defending multiple times. If you get Valkyrie's Spear or Aragorn enough, you should be able to block for multiple people at the table every time one of these cards enter your hand, allowing the rest of the table to get their gameplan going more efficiently.

If Quinncarrier is unavailable remove black Widow. There are too few blues to run her efficiently in this deck without Quinncarrier. In scenarios with a lot of Stuns or Confuses, bring Night Nurse, both for yourself and others.

By late game the villain should take a bunch of damage for hitting you and rarely ever be able to do damage.

Times to play this deck:

Due to the fact this deck is multiplayer focused and wants to mainly protect the table and help them get set up to carry the game, it works very well in some deck combinations but not at all in others. It works well when there is: -Minion Slayer -Dedicated Justice -Hard Carry of any kind

It does not work well if any of these roles are missing. You CAN still somewhat handle minion slaying in a pinch, but it will hurt your ability to accomplish the primary goal of the deck. This deck is also incompatible with a card cycling chump blocking mill deck, as at that point the chump blockers will soak up the hits, effectively weakening your impact on the game.

This is a fun deck to run though, and it pairs extremely well with Voltron decks where you can just continue to block for the person building up their allies.