Thor -all father

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fangthane · 25

Undefeated with this deck, Thor's resource generation, coupled with the card draw of white tiger and nick Fury makes up for his Trumpian-tiny hand size. God-like stamina allows him to shrug off stun and confusion, avengers mansion coupled with team building exercise allows you to bring white tiger into play for as little as 1 resource cost. Deft focus is surprisingly useful when paired with lightning strike and hammer throw- Need help with the scheme? Use save the day to discard one of your allies to catch back up. Have a hand full of resource cards? No worries! Use the bifrost to summon an expensive Asgardian like Beta Ray Bill or Lady Sif- or make the call to bring in pretty much anyone. Don't forget to rapid response white tiger, Nick Fury, lady sif or falcon for their enter-play abilities!


Mar 10, 2022 Fry · 247

Rapid Response does not work on White Tiger, since RR does not play WT "from your hand."

The Bifrost literally only has the two targets you mentioned, so it's going to take a while to pay off - it might be OK in Aggression, but I don't think the extant card pool supports it in other aspects.

Odd to have a 1/1 split in Power of Leadership and Power in All of Us, considering the split in cards that can use them. The number of allies seems excessive, especially considering there are Make the Calls in there too.

Mar 10, 2022 turtles04 · 763

Clicked on this because I love a Thor deck and haven't seen many in leadership but as mentioned by Fry, there's a lot wrong with this deck. But having fun is what's important. I do like God like stamina a lot though.

Oct 03, 2022 Fangthane · 25

Thanks for the tip on rapid response/ white tiger and that's a good point about the bifrost. I'll take another look at this concept and develop an all father version 3.0