2 Fast 2 Furious

Card draw simulator

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2 Fast 2 Furious 649 550 21 1.0
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gachette35 · 1

I’ve been playing around with the twins on the board the last few days and had almost settled on Quicksilver with Protection. He was crazy good but fancied trying my hand at a different aspect, and I havn't really played much Aggression of late so thought I'd have a punt at it. I realised once he’s got his board down it’s pretty easy to get him at 6+ ATK and be able to ready him several times a turn for some insane amounts of damage, whilst wielding a very large axe.

To start with, the deck includes a couple of copies of Combat Training to help boost that attack alongside Reinforced Sinew, but I also really like Adrenaline Rush. The idea is to get as much sitting on the board as possible (hence being rather heavy on the Upgrades and Allies) so it’s easy to keep cycling through the events, namely Always Be Running and Maximum Velocity.

The most important thing though is to hard mulligan for Friction Resistance. Once you ready up from one of your various sources, you can then ready this fantastic resource generator. Every. Single. Time. The next piece of the combo is Jarnbjorn. Every time you attack you get to trigger Jarnbjorn for an extra 2 damage, the idea being exhaust, trigger Jarbjorn using Friction Resistance’s resource, ready by whatever means you need to (Quicksilver’s ability, Tenacity etc) and then ready Friction Resistance too. Rinse and repeat!

The allies are there to pretty much chump block where possible, or help trigger Earth's Mightiest Heroes, therefore I've tried to go for the cheapest resource allies (the card from Ironheart is great, and Mockingbird's Stun buys me an extra turn in Hero form). I’ve put Sentry in there as well to get some Thwarting actions in too (plus he’s an Avenger and amazing value).

Currently testing out Moment of Triumph, which can help heal in a pinch especially on those turns I’m on 5-7 ATK as I’m trying to stay in hero form as much as possible unless I need to flip to AE and trigger Serval Industries to get those readies back in my deck. It’s very much a flex card though and I have tried it with one of either Civic Duty, Chase Them Down or Into the Fray just to help with Thwarting in true solo. Skilled Strike will likely be in the deck in it’s place when against some of the slightly weaker hitting villains, or if I’m playing with someone running Protection so I can purely focus on damage dealing.

if though like me you play a lot of true solo, don’t worry about spending a turn using Maximum Velocity in concert with Hyper Perception to try and clear a tonne of threat off the board.

Down Time and Endurance I feel are somewhat needed, the former works nicely what with the various readies in the deck so you don’t feel like you wasted a turn just healing in alter-ego mode. The latter is very much appreciated as a buffer whilst you’re setting yourself up early.

I love Pietro as he’s an incredibly versatile hero who can play all the aspects in several different ways. Haven’t really tried him too much, but I’ve had a lot of success against this in solo (as well as paired with Scarlet Witch in both Protection and Justice) against several of the Expert villains. It's a relatively straightforward deck to play as it's just boost stats and ready as many times as possible but it's heaps of fun, especially when you have set yourself up and can easily ready 4/5 times in one turn all whilst triggering Jarnbjorn several times. It's definitely feasible to be hitting for 40 damage and more thereafter, which can easily take out several Guarding minions and the Villain in solo, or even a single Villain stage in multiplayer by yourself.

Always intrigued to know what changes y'all would make or if there is something glaringly obvious I've omitted!