Space Knights Assemble!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Redjoker26 · 13

This is a very powerful solo and multiplayer deck. Your goal is to get out the Two Team Building Exercises, thus reducing the cost of all allies by two; additionally, Symbiotic Bond gives you plus 1 resource if you take one damage, so you end up lowering the cost of playing allies by a total of 3!

Using Beta Ray bill you can easily kill minions under three health and have 2 threat removed. While Beta Ray Bill cost 5, if you use Symbiotic Bond to reduce the cost by 1, and if you have two Team Building Exercises out, then he only costs 2! Rocket can also easily clean up minions with his added +3 to attack for engaging minions.

I use Major Victory for extra healing in alter-ego mode. I will recover then use Major Victory (if he is on 1 health) to attack/ thwart, then when he is discarded I re-ready Flash to heal for another 4 health. However, if you have Project Rebirth out, then you can heal for 3 or pick up a card, it comes down to how to want to spend Major Victory's ability.

Reinforced suit and Team Building exercise ensure your big allies to survive, and with First Aid, I can assure you, no ally will be dying. Which leads me to my next point. Do not use them to block damage. Venom, with his pistols, can block up to 4 damage, so using them to block is a waste.

Next, I want to point out that Multi-Gun acts as another ally as it lets you thwart or attack for two per turn!

Moving forward, if you are able to set up four allies, and you have Multi-Gun out, you are going to dominate the battlefield. In solo, the villain is trapped and the scheme will be locked at 0, and in Multiplayer, you help where you are needed; albeit against minions, thwarting, or attacking. I found that in my Multiplayer games, I was cleaning up minions and attacking mostly. Some turns, I was able to pop off 15 damage using an upgraded Beta Ray, Star Lord, and Drax, and Venom basic attack (no pistols yet) and Multi-Gun. I had one game for three consecutive turns I did 15 damage!

This deck can do some damage!

As a final point, DO NOT USE Gamora. Her ability makes it to where you end up throwing away allies and upgrades to get an event which ultimately disrupts the equilibrium of this deck. You can bring in Groot if you feel like you are going against a harder hitting villain, or Yondu if you need more thwarting. Use Martinex as the Sub for Yondu or Groot. Also, Welcome Aboard, in my opinion, is one of the most important cards for this deck as it will be making ALLIES two resources cheaper, as opposed you using the Power of Leadership, which only makes leadership cards two cheaper.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy!


Feb 16, 2022 SliderHMSS · 7

I don’t think Team Building Exercise works like that. You have to activate one to play the card, so you can’t trigger them both for one card.

Great looking deck!