Black Widow Protection Reflection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Larnth · 39

You wanna defend all day every day, removing threat from the scheme with Hard to Ignore and dealing damage with your passive (preparations) and things like Dauntless, Electrostatic Armor, and Energy Barrier!

Preparation Suite

Anticipation - Just running one because dupes in the hand aren't great and it isn't needed in some scenarios/modulars. Add more in minion-heavy scenarios if desired.

Attacrobatics- BW's Boost-stopper. Since we have this, I don't feel the need to run things like Defiance to protect from scary boosts!

Defensive Stance - Your big defender against things like powered-up Rhino with all the bells and whistles.

Espionage - Card draw! Very effective for when you're not in hero form and you're hitting those cards that target heroes specifically and surge otherwise... such as Assault.

Grappling Hook - Stop those nasty treacheries (Shadow of the Past anyone?!)

Target Acquired - Could see playing more copies of this in specific scenarios, similar to the sentiment of Anticipation. If you're facing someone with powerful boosts... probably run more of these and cut something else in the preparation suite. We'd prefer to run preparations to things like Defiance because it lets us draw cards and deal damage, as well as being able to recur them asNatasha Romanoff.

Widow's Bite - Minion control!

Defense Suite

Armored Vest - Gives us a max possibility of 4 defense, which is huge! Helps us more reliably activate Dauntless and Hard to Ignore.

Endurance - Gives us higher health, which paired with our high defense helps us activate Dauntless more.

Down Time - I'm iffy on this, we'll see if I end up thinking we need it. If we don't need to recover as much as I fear we may, I'll cut this for another preparation card!

Desperate Defense - This is to allow us to ready up after defending so we can do more actions on our turn! Not a must-have, but I think it'll help us stay more active in the game. This is being tested, may be replaced with a different effect to lean more into our passive playstyle.