Fully Corrupted, Reboot Necessary (mini game and challenge)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JWalton77 · 1302

Vision has been fully corrupted!! Somehow his wires have been crossed and he’s lost his humanity. Now he’s just a coldly logical robot and you must help Vivian save him!

This is a themed Vision deck designed to provide an alternative challenge beyond just defeating a villain.

You must play the deck by the rules provided:

During setup do not shuffle in Vision’s obligation. He is already fully corrupted.

Vision sees everything in code now so you may only play cards that cost 0 or 1.

EXCEPTION: Vivian has secretly enlisted the aid of the Champions, SHIELD, and the Avengers to save her father so you may play Maria Hill, Ironheart, and Kaluu. Since they provide a card draw Vision sees their cost as 1. However if Kaluu fails to find an event, Vision immediately executes him. (He is discarded from play).

In Vision’s now purely robotic mind he only has 3 priorities and they must always be executed:

  1. SURVIVAL ABOVE ALL ELSE. When Vision is in his alter ego form and he has less than his maximum hit points he must exhaust to Recover.

  2. GATHER ALL THE INFORMATION. You must always play Assess the Situation when it is in your hand.

  3. FOLLOW THE PROGRAM. Vision will continue to execute the same pattern over and over until he experiences a Full Reboot. The pattern is this:

A. Start the game/turn in alter ego, flip to hero form. End the turn in Dense Mass Form.

B. Start the next turn in Dense Mass Form. At some point he must flip to Intangible Mass Form. He then flips to Alter ego before the end of his turn.

Repeat this pattern over and over. You may freely perform any actions before changing hero and Mass forms, but you must always move in that pattern. So Vision will always be in Intangible Form when in Alter Ego and he will always be in Dense Form when he is in hero form during the villain phase.

Vision must be Fully Rebooted if you’re going to restore his humanity and remind him of who he really is. In order to do this you must first get 3 copies of Resourceful into play. These represent his former self-image. Once those are installed, you must Reboot him 3 times, each time using a Resourceful to pay the cost, all in the same turn. If you’re able to accomplish that Vision has successfully been cleared of all corrupted programming and has returned to his heroic ways!

You are now free to play the rest of the game as normal. Is there still time to defeat the villain? Or was Vision’s robotic nature too much to overcome?

If you take on the challenge of saving Vision please let me know in the comments who the hardest villain was you were still able to defeat!


Feb 08, 2022 JWalton77 · 1302

Vision rescued and Drang Standard defeated!

Feb 08, 2022 InigoMontoya · 4444

These are 10 types of people on this site: those who understand Vision binary decks, and those who don't. :)

Feb 08, 2022 JWalton77 · 1302

@InigoMontoyahahahaha. Fortunately for you corrupted Vision finds your statement accurate and appealing