SCL 905 - Black Widow: Agent of MI6

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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josseroo · 702

For Solo Champions League: Season 9, Round 5. Playing on Expert difficulty

  • Round 5 - Kang+ Badoon Headhunter (01/30/22-02/12/22)
  • Hero: Black Panther, Black Widow, Spider-Man, or Drax
  • Aspect: Basic
  • Special Rules: Remove Inexorable Fate + Kang (Iron Lad) from the game. These will not be used. The first time you reach stage 2A of the Main Scheme, shuffle The Chronopolis, The Realm of Rama-Tut, and The Present and Future War together. Reveal one at random. For future attempts, remove the already completed Stage 3 Scheme from the random draw pile. By the end of your 3 attempts, you should have played each Stage 3 once.