Scarlet Witch - Chaos Medic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jarratt · 28

The strength of Scarlet Witch are her signature cards. Hex Bolt can consistently provide status effects and threat removal through most of the game and Molecular Decay can finish out games fast.

The initial goal with this build was to support my friends who don’t play as much but handling all the healing and support they would ever need and let me play one of my favourite characters. It’s turns out this deck works just fine on its own too.

So what am I looking to do? What sort of player am I? I’m a builder. I will happily flip between hero and aLter-ego building my board until I’m ready to fight the villain.

But what does this look like?

It means cards like Molecular Decay are easy resources in the early game while cards like Quicksilver I will go out of my way to play.

What is so great about QS you ask? Card advantage. An Alter-Ego turn usually starts with pitch 2 cards to gain 3 then Agatha to get another card and Spiritual Meditation 1-2 times to get the right cards and resources. Then you are in hero throwing down support in the form of ally healing (med team), status effects (hex bolt or muster courage) and general healing or blocking (second wind, Clea, Ironheart).

Scarlet Witch has some additional support tools that other hero’s don’t have access to with her shield cards and her cancel cards. Order and Chaos is just another reason to keep QS around through Med Teams.

I enjoy Black Widow in this build. The Honorary Avenger is for her so that she can also get the most from Med-Team. This means you can use her to Thwart on the turns you didn’t need her ability. I definitely rate the ability to turn a game loss encounter card into a different card but I also think that is what you should be looking for. Ever encounter card might seem bad but it isn’t worth wasting the resource for if what you will get is worse. Know the encounter deck.

And I guess a final note on QS and Black Widow. I want to keep them around. They are not one and done allies to me. I don’t ever want to sacrifice them. I should be dishing out enough tough and stun aggression it never matters and if it does that is what Ironheart and Clea are for.