The Panther Flips Out: Draw your way to Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cowbellthunder · 8

Often overlooked, underestimated, and frankly, misunderstood, King T'Challa has no need for pity. Sitting atop a Golden City, mound of Vibranium, and a handy Sonic Rifle, King T'Challa can live freely. The key to this deck is simple: defer gratification as much as possible, build a compelling board state with Golden City, Avengers Mansion, and a Sonic Rifle, and flip every turn to maximize the available card draw.

By building up a reliable board state of Sonic Rifle(s), Allies, Beat Cops, and the various other upgrades, his deck will be significantly thinned, allowing 1-3 Wakanda Forevers per turn until Winning becomes both inevitable and immanent.

Here's a prioritization for what to go after:

1) The Golden City. I would seriously consider mulliganing every card that isn't your favorite upgrade / 2-resource card to maximize speed toward this card. Once it's available, you will have the resources to rapidly thin your deck and build out the rest of the board. I've included Nick Fury to accelerate flipping through your deck and finding Golden City, while providing decent early-game value thwarting and chump blocking.

2) Your favorite upgrade - all it takes is 1 upgrade on the board for Wakanda Forever to be "worth it" to play, so I'd seriously consider deferring your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th upgrades until Panther is set up

3) Sonic Rifle. Confusion is key to this deck, and for the opportunity cost of 4 resources, you can leverage those 2 flips into a total of 10 cards (4X golden city, plus 2 alter-ego 6th card draws).

4) Avengers Mansion - I know it's fallen out of favor over time, and sucks to see it trashed, but it’s not that hard for this deck to afford, and an additional card every turn can help cut the variance and afford the expensive events I've included, while still consistently playing your Wakanda Forevers. I've included splashes like Spider-Man, Crisis Averted, and Beat Cop because these 3-cost cards are so easy to afford with Vibranium + extra cards.


1) You can easily swap the Justice Thwart events for your favorites. Crisis Averted takes advantage of the frequency you'll be flipping, and Lay Down the Law is a nice Expensive card that is easy to afford for Panther.

2) Helicarrier is here because I've saved the Quincarrier for other characters. Quincarrier is usually better, but if you're playing with Captain Marvel, let your partner have the fun there.

3) Pick your favorite allies. I like a combination of cheap and expensive allies, but given the amount of time Panther can spend in Alter Ego, playing 1 ally per turn for chump blocking isn't required like many other builds.