Ms. Marvel - The Power of Friendship

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mr.Strange · 16

Built to duo with Gamora - The Power of Friendship.

Both Gamora and Ms. Marvel love attack & thwart events, so I built this pair of aggression / justice decks, so they could each get the relevant cards from the other. (Justice Gamora provides +1 Thwart buffs and Sense of Justice, while Aggression Ms. Marvel provides Combat Training and Martial Prowess.)

Been playing vs The Hood a lot recently, so cancelling Boost icons is a big priority - hence x2 Target Acquired.

Ms. Marvel is great on her own - but she needs thwart. Basic plan here is to Eat a big attack, play "You'll Pay for That" along with Shrink for huge threat reduction, then flip to alter-ego form & heal 5. Repeat and crush.

Playing Ms. Marvel well requires a lot of good alter-ego stuff. Learning to use her abilities well means 10+ card hands every few turns, and just huge swings. For example my last game ended thusly:

6 cards in hand, Red Dagger nearly dead: 1 - Use Aamir to draw a card. 7 cards in hand, 0 dmg. 2 - Use Teen Spirit ability to draw a card. 8 cards in hand, 0 dmg. 3 - Use Bruno to add 2 cards I've been saving. 10 cards in hand, 0 dmg. 4 - Attack with Red Dagger : 10 cards in hand, 2 dmg. 5 - Discard 2 cards, deal 2 dmg return Red Dagger : 9 cards in hand, 4 dmg. 6 - Martial Prowess & Polymer Suit to play Clobber + Embiggen, and return it. 9 cards in hand, 9 dmg. 7 - Discard 3 cards, play Uppercut. 5 cards in hand, 14 dmg. 8 - Discard 2 cards, play Big Hands. 2 cards in hand, 18 dmg. 9 - Turn Ms. Marvel to retrieve Big Hands. 3 cards in hand, 18 dmg. 10 - Discard 2 cards, play Big Hands. 0 cards in hand, 22 dmg. Win.

Didn't even need to use Nakia or my Helicarrier.