The G.I.R.L. in the chair

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

teamcanadahockey2002 · 8256

This deck is intended to be played entirely in Alter-Ego, using Wasp's G.I.R.L. ability to keep throwing cards with a mental resource back into the deck. The main targets will be Genius and Nick Fury to start, and when you have Command Teams ready, Goliath and Power Man. These allies can attack for 4 and 5 per turn, and with the Command Teams able to ready them, they can swing again. Although you can't put him back in your deck again, Spider-Man can also do the same thing and so can Vision if you pay the cost. The other benefit to Spider-Man and Vision is they can thwart at 3, multiple times if you have a Command Team down.

In order to pay for all of these allies, we'll be needing to use our double resources, but also Band Together and Meditation. This deck is currently using 'Spiritual Meditation' as a proxy, but the new card revealed in the upcoming Vision pack allows you to play a card for a reduced cost of 3 if you exhaust your alter-ego. If you don't plan to ever flip to hero form anyways, then this is like having another 3 triple resources. Ultimately this deck then has 6 triple resources and 3 double resources.

You're not likely to play your Wasp cards much, although I guess you could. Heading to Tiny form for a turn to play Pinpoint Strike is rarely a bad move. Ultimately though, the goal of this deck is to stay in Alter-Ego all game, using your allies to Thwart for you, setting up your big attack allies with the Command Teams.

Optional changes include playing Avenger's Tower, which doesn't require being in Hero form, which then allows you to discount the cost of your Avenger allies. At this point, it may make sense to play only the Avenger allies (removing Beta Ray Bill, Heimdall, Nick Fury and Spider-Man). In their place, I might recommend including the Tower, plus Mighty Avengers and a Honorary Avenger to play on yourself on the one turn you flip to hero. This would let your allies all hit and thwart for one more.


Mar 22, 2022 TheDrillMaster · 7

heads up, you put Spiritual Meditation instead of Meditation which got me really confused when I saw the deck at first glance.

Apr 23, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8256

Yeah, this is one I built well before Meditation was released so I just used Spiritual Meditation at the time.

Here is an updated version for anyone who comes across this: