Infinite Pheromones (and Contaminant Immunity)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Onions · 79

Spider-Woman's dual aspect ability has created many crazy decks. But her signature/aspect cards have never been able to produce crazy combinations. Until now.

While looking at Kennedy Hawk's Spider Woman Mass Attack deck, I realized that Leadership Training can be used with Pheromones and that Contaminant Immunity can be used with Defensive Training. This epiphany sparked the creation of this deck.

The purpose of this deck is to play Spider-Woman's strongest cards, Contaminant Immunity and Pheromones, as many times as possible to keep the villain locked down and Spider-Woman healthy. The training cards allow them to be shuffled back into your deck, Deft Focus makes them extremely cheap, and Kaluu and Brother Voodoo let you search for them.

While the villain is locked down, you can build up high attack values with Teamwork to set up Leading Blow. You can also follow up Self-Propelled Glide with Ever Vigilant for even more readying.


Dec 14, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4240

I like it! What about adding Black Panther and Rapid Response to keep the Pheromones train rolling?

Dec 15, 2021 Onions · 79

I considered Black Panther, but I feel like he is too expensive for Spider-Woman. If you wanted to do that, I would take out Teamwork and one Make the Call and put in Black Panther and two Rapid Responses.

Dec 15, 2021 KennedyHawk · 17379

Wow I love this. I knew someone would find a good use for the training cards and it seems like you’ve done it. Spamming pheromones seems reallllllly strong