The Power of Attorney

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mr.Strange · 16

A Justice-aspect She-Hulk deck I made to run through Galaxy's Most Wanted with my friends.

She-Hulk is a great character - very interesting core cards and mechanics. Strengths:

  • Great attack stat, and basic attack cards
  • Reliable Stuns
  • Huge health pool
  • 3+ threat removal from Alter-Ego! (With S.L.D. in play)
  • Huge health recovery potential (REC 5!)
  • Massive damage potential from Gamma Slam Weaknesses:
  • Hand size 4 in hero form
  • No innate threat removal ability in hero form
  • Just wildly hungry for unturning & card-draw

Great Responsibility is a key card here - stopping 5+ threat and then just healing it all is a MASSIVE swing. Not to mention that She-Hulk likes to take damage. Anecdotally, my group won our first victory against Ronan because She-Hulk sacrificed herself with this card to stop a Treachery-based Scheme from Ronan.

Ready to Rumble is a fabulous card here - because She-Hulk LOVES to turn in both forms. Assess the Situation and Skilled Investigator help with card draw, and the various Thwart events are tuned to give handy side-benefits, like healing or more card draw.

I've run this with 1x The Power in All of Us - because it's thematic, fits the deck name, and the spendy neutral cards are the items you most likely need help playing on the turn you draw them. But you could make a decent argument that the Power of Protection would be a better include... I've left them both out for now.