Spider-Woman and Black Panther: Mutual Attraction

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scotobot · 168

The plan is for Spider-woman and Black Panther to meet, hit it off and just get those Pheromones going back and forth.

So the plan is to play Pheromones every turn to keep the villain stunned and confused. This leaves lots of chance for players to flip back to alterego.

First then try to get either Pheromones or black panther. Don't play him until a Pheromones is in the discard pile. Then keep using Rapid Response and Make the Call to keep him bouncing in and bringing the Pheromones.

Coulson brings a rapid response in, and the rest of the allies bring card draw and can be Cannon fodder to not let the enemy turn disrupt black panther.

All justice events are 1 cost, so Sense of Justice can pay for them without slowing you down.

Obviously doesn't perform as well against villains that can't or aren't as easy to stun and confuse. Sonic rifle might help get extra confusion off, or to damage them when confused.