Venom - Thwart And Furious

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Venom - El simbionte de la confusiĆ³n 4 3 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

naranzamendi · 3

Venom is ready to bring some bullets to the board

Mechanic Get your guns ready in your first turns. Take some hits in the face and control de schemes with low cost thwart events to buy some time building. When you are ready flip down to AE, heal up and then flip back to Hero and start shooting.

Resources The deck has the Enhanced upgrades to get value from Venom events (confusing, stunning and getting though).

Allies That will help you doing some damage to minions or as chump blockers. The three are low cost so they can save you if you have some dead cards.

Board control Skilled Investigator, Interrogation Room and Beat Cop will be your main cards to to control the state of the board.

End of the game At the end of the game abusing from Run and Gun you will have turns hitting for 12-15 hitpoints.