"Wild" Venom

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

huevobeans · 23

This deck is called "Wild" Venom because I took some inspiration from the popular "Wild Tutor" list, by Brian-V.

We use Flash's set-up ability(and mulligans) to Mill and stack our discard with powerful ETB-based allies, which we can then play using Make the Call.

Gamora, Maria Hill, Kaluu, and White Tiger are our ways to dig for Make the Call, while Falcon, Heimdall, Nick Fury, and Mockingbird are our main pay-off.

Rapid Response is another key player here, as it allows us to get even more value from our pay-off cards, especially Nicky Fury. While I can see going to three copies, I feel that it lacks the versatility to be a full playset type of card.

Call for Aid, while not really that exciting, has a key function in our mid-game. It (and Gamora) acts as a way to Mill our deck after reshuffling and the access to a copy of an Avenger ally can be quite nice too.

The Power of cards works great with Make the call and increases our ability to, consistently, play our heavy hitters on earlier turns.

Our main win condition is still Venom being Venom, we should try to prioritize playing his suite, even if it means keeping Make the Call to play on our next hand. By the late game, we have a bunch of allies that make it very easy to find Run and Gun, and, from there, we can quickly take over the game.

This deck will get a lot better with the new Black Panther, both because it's a great target for Call for Aid and for the sheer amount of value with Make the Call.

As I said in the intro, this list was inspired by Brian-V's Wild Tutor list. If you haven't seen it, you need to check it out. https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/13922/wild-tutor-adam-warlock-1.0