Cosmic Spider-Man (Aggression)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KingOfRohan · 4918

Generally speaking, a solo deck requires:

(1) attack survival

(2) villain damaging

(3) minion removal

(4) threat removal

With amazing cards like Swinging Web Kick and Backflip, Spider-Man can do (1) and (2) quite well. He struggles with (3) since he has no other damage-dealing cards and (4) because he has 1 thwart and no threat removal cards except the minion-dependent Spider-Tracer.

The theory of this deck:

(1) Enjoy Spider-Man’s native attack survival skills with Backflip, Aunt May, and Webbed Up. Block more attacks with plenteous allies, stun with Mockingbird, and expand your health range with Endurance.

(2) Enjoy Spider-Man’s native villain damaging skills and expand them with Combat Training, Counterattack, and the aggression allies. Remember Chase Them Down can be used to remove threat when defeating the villain’s first stage - this may be crucial.

(3) & (4) Lean into minion removal with Melee, Get Over Here!, and Tigra, then remove huge amounts of threat with Chase Them Down and Spider-Tracer. But what if no minions are out? Spend all of these useless cards on expensive cards like Heimdall (8 threat removal), Avengers Mansion, Nick Fury (4 threat removal when needed), Hercules, and Webbed Up.

A few more notes:

Counterattack is amazing and combos with Chase Them Down to remove a side scheme with Hazard before encounter cards are dealt.

• Spider-Man hates stun, and Get Over Here! can clear it for 0-cost as an attack.

• The deck has a lot of Mental resources to increase the chance Black Cat draws you cards.