Adam Warlock Low Cost Allies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Adam Warlock ally spam 0 0 0 1.0

Thierry · 2

After many plays and builds with Adam Warlock, I made my mind :

  • If a card costs 3, it's usually too expensive
  • Warlock's own cards are way too good to be used as energy
  • The fastest you cycle threw your deck the best
  • You need as many colors in hand on your turn to activate the right effect of Battle Mage.

The build that solved that puzzle for me makes use of many low cost allies, draw and discard pile manipulation.

  • Just deck yourself the fastest you can (yes, Call for Aid if you have no Avenger Ally left in your deck is usually a good move)
  • while deploying Warlock tools (cape, senses and obviously, Soul World).
  • In the meantime, use your small allies to clean the board, chump, die
  • block with Adam to win as much time as you can.
  • rince, repeat with new allies.
  • switch to alter ego if you can and can't avoid it

So far, tests are excellent (playing solo : all my decks are usually build for solo). Toughest part, imho, is getting the right mindset to play it : discarding good cards, better decking than playing etc. Sometimes, I felt idiotic playing the way the deck asked for.

Played the Mad Titan campaign up to Hela in Expert mode with no loss (three times each scenario, the third played with the worst possible starting hand).

Building options

Do not add good allies with a 3 casting cost. They are too costly, you'd better play a bad 2 cost and a card from Adam set. There is sure a way to build with those nitty 3 cost allies, this is not the deck you're looking for.

Only cards i'm still unsure are Heroic Intuition and Shake it Off. Both cards are 9 out of 10 times used as energy/pinch. Still looking for better options. If you have any suggestion...

--> Tried The Night Nurse but was never of any use. You don't need it for your hero, deck could use an equivalent for allies (but not that card costing 3^^).

Cards I could forget without a thought :

  • Booster Boots : the more I play, the less I use them. May be a good option for the first games with Adam. Or maybe for some matchups ? Could be the third Resource, even if deck is fine with two.
  • Marvel Boy is just bad. No CTR is bad in this deck. This is OK for Hulk, not for a 2 ATQ with 2 life.

Previous build used Wasp and Ant-Man. It seems they don't work nicely with Summoning Spell. Too bad but deck works as fine with any ally, you don't really care (that said, if there was a different ruling...).

Naither can White Tiger be played from discard pile or deck. This non combo is a pitty but he's way too good to be left over (except vs Hela and such, he's just a resource in those matchups).


Oct 05, 2021 sedlak87 · 1

I wouldn't care much about every single aspect card in his deck. 5-7 of those will be used for Battle Mage so technically you can put anything in those slots. Only the color matters.

Oct 05, 2021 sedlak87 · 1

You are missing Clea definitely. She synergizes really well.

Oct 05, 2021 Thierry · 2

I tried Clea, I hate her (wityh thgis hero). Going back to deck is the worst. Go to the discard pile, get back to hand : whatever but not in my deck slowing me down, you coward ! ;)

Agreed on "why care, the'll be used for Battle Mage". It's just so frustrating to keep those 2-3 unused cards...