Captain America - Mighty Swarm

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Khaiza · 1

Only played on standard vs MTS scenarios so far. I've had a lot of fun and some big turns with it though. Hoping it'll hold up in expert!

Avenger's swarm deck built around the 'Mighty Avengers' support and 'Band Together' resource card.

We use a lot of low cost and high attack allies.


Your allies are your upgrades. Try and maintain a solid wall of 3+ allies to power Band Together, Strength In Numbers and Teamwork.

Giant-Man and Wonder Man are good targets for Teamwork, if you have Mighty Avengers out Giant-Man can be used for a +5 to your attack.

United We Stand and Team Training help keep your allies up and give you extra activations.

Typically after very early game I won't play Agent 13 since she lacks the Avengers trait.


(2021-09-06T19:05) -2 * Earth's Mightiest Heroes, +2 * United We Stand

(2021-09-21T17:00) Changed substitute cards for actual MTS cards