Model of a Modern Mystic Guardian

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

celric · 441

—To the tune of Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Modern Major General”—

Boot Camp will build your Endurance for a trip to go Knowhere.

Protect yourself with Armored Vest and tough statuses on Martyr

Keep your Mystic Senses sharp, take up your Staff and don your Cape.

Save Pip the Troll from Soul World with a Spell Shield before it’s too late!

(musical break)

Tell Brother Voodoo, Bug, and Clea, Eros says “Welcome Aboard!”

“Think Fast!” as you gather upgrades for yourself and Yondu’s horde.

This 50 card assembly to convention seems contrarian.

It is in fact the model of a modern mystic guardian.

Hey gang, I hope the theme of this deck is clear. We're looking to make a viable deck that basically contains every mystic card and as many guardian cards as possible.

I've been liking the 50 card deck for Adam. It reduces the amount of extra encounter cards you get from going through your deck and gives you more choices for Quantum Magic. Most of your basic cards stay in play, which helps Karmic Blast and Cosmic Awareness do more - plus the bigger deck makes you worry less about playing them.

Either Martyr (who you can heal with Adam's hero ability) or Yondu can be viable as your build around ally. The rest are glorified blockers.

Have fun playing this one and humming it's theme song as you play.


Sep 21, 2021 celric · 441

Doh! That's supposed to be Kaluu instead of Comms Implant.