Nebula - A Garden of The Galaxy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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NormalModeGuy · 884

Nebula- A Garden of The Galaxy

Current feats: All Standard Villains completed on expert Thanos expert

What does it mean to be a Garden of the Galaxy? Well, it means that we're going to form a team. And to do this, we need a good Team-Building Exercise to whip us Guardians into shape. "Guardians gather? Group up? Man, I don't know." - Peter Quill

Nebula's techniques are all very powerful. But are -2 each time we want to use one which makes it a tough choice between allies and techniques. Wait, no it doesn't. Because we're cheating allies into existence constantly with cards like "Welcome Aboard" and The Power in All of Us. These cards greatly aid our ability to play allies at much power costs so we can focus our efforts exclusively going 'Voltron' with our Technique upgrades.

Knowhere helps our ally count and draw power massively. The Triskelion is also a fantastic 1 cost upgrade to really push our ally count up now that we've gotten the hang of just playing these cards for almost free.