DH Warlock Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Designhacker · 559

This is for the Designhacker Warlock custom content hero pack.

Warlock is a strange blend of Iron Man, Black Panther, and a weird minigame. His game distinctly splits into 3 phases.

EARLY GAME - Your goal early is to get any key aspect cards that are expensive into play, and in a perfect world, add a SHAPESHIFTING card to the grid after you do that. In this particular deck, the priority is:

  • Godslayer or Jarnbjorn
  • Cypher or any other Ally
  • Combat Training or Hall of Heroes.

To make sure this can happen, when you mulligan, any card that isn't a SHAPESHIFTING card or one of the above can be jettisoned for a shot at getting 1 or more of these out, especially on turn one. Query especially can be tantalizing to get into the grid early, but I'd recommend spending it to get a solid card like Wasp or Godslayer out efficiently.

MID GAME - You should have about 3-6 cards in the grid at this point, and your upgrades and at least 1 ally in play. This phase is a transitional phase that is a lot more tactical. Basically, if you have aspect events and a SHAPESHIFTING card, get it into the grid. If you have a really solid grid setup for a particular Warlock Event configuration, play that one instead. The goal here is to stabilize the board and get your remaining grid cards in place. This should be your second deck pass.

LATE GAME - you should now have your grid nearly complete, and the goal is to prioritize Warlock Events whenever you get one. If you have made it to this point, you've already one. The question is, are you going to win with STYLE?

Play on TTS? You can find Warlock on my workshop here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2211284460

Want to see the cards first? View them on drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1Pbc3Bu9cETUvWeNBqEceh--DQuJEDtbu