The Justice Ant ! Expert clear, 3 man multiplayer !

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rstorcdk · 4975

"Ants never quit. If ants are headed somewhere and you try to stop them; they’ll look for another way. They’ll climb over, they’ll climb under and they’ll climb around. They keep looking for another way." -Jim Rohn

Welcome to my expert Ant-Man multiplayer deck!

We're using Running Interference since 1: We're playing on expert 2: He's an avenger and can actually use the card. How good is it? Well on Villain stage III it's as good as Hive Mind when you got all of your ants down.

And ofc Sonic Rifle is the new MVP. It's just too good.

3 copies of Skilled Investigator? We each agreed to put in a card to play on each other's board and this one is 0 cost! You are playing multiplayer and this can really net your buddies a lot of card draw if you get them out quick. Vs Red skull this is a game changer.

Mulligan: You ALWAYS mulligan for Ant-Man's Helmet. This is your main source of reliable healing and card draw. It's just so damn good and will make your life a heck of a lot easier once you have that on the board!

Your job is to keep threat low and finishing off side scemes with Clear the Area and draw 2 cards then put ýour upgrades/supports down. Remember that other players can request an action and Army of Ants is a good way to ping a tough status card off an enemy. This is also why I chose Helicarrier over Quincarrier. If I don't have use for it then my buddies might.

What? No Swarm Tactics?

If you play with someone who plays Wasp, then yes. Otherwise it's a dead card most of the time. There are more reliable things to put in your deck.

Is this really playtested? So far we have cleared the following expert campaigns: Ultron, Mutagen Formula, Goblin Gimmicks, The Wrecking Crew and all of RoRs.

What do the other players run? Iron man Aggression and Spider-Woman Protection/Leadership. But you can play this with any other deck as the main thwarter. Go out there and show them what a real ant is like !