Venom gets Black Widow to help with his Struggle for Control

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Snuggles · 1

I haven't hit the table with this yet, but let me know what you think!


Jul 19, 2021 celric · 441

Protection’s Black Widow with his hero ability is a great combo. Nice find.

You only have 5 cards that The Power in All of Us reduces and 2 of them stay in play. Genius and Energy are better.

How is Get Behind Me! working for you? 3 seems like too many with a BW. I might sub in some extra healing from Med Team or Second Wind so I could use Venom’s hero ability constantly.

Jul 19, 2021 Snuggles · 1

@celric this was a rough first draft that I've ultimately abandoned, turns where i didn't draw a pro-active stun were too clunky and i had to resort to using his basic def (+guns) a lot, which was supposed to be avoided for the most part.

Power Basic and Power Protection are included for the Wild Resource (as well as having expensive allies), so i have better odds of triggering the other kickers in the deck

Get Behind Me was used when black widow failed to get me out of a bad situation (or she unfortunately got me into a somehow worse one), it also doubled as being a Mental resource to fuel her in case you used the hero ability on something like Grasping Tendrils.

I think for Venom Protection decks, leaning into his base kit's 4 defence will be way better for him than expensive stuns.