Leadership Captain America GMW True Solo Standard Campaign

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DArtagnanMF · 96

This is the deck list I used to win the Standard True Solo campaign of GMW.

This list really showcases that Captain America is just head and shoulders above nearly every other hero in the game to this point. Nebula and Ronan have previously been a pretty hard stop for most attempts I've made in this campaign in solo (aside from the previous Justice Gamora list I posted before that I also won with). However Cap just waltzes right through each fight with very little difficulty.

Each scenario only took 1 or 2 attempts to complete with Cap. And while I only got the Drang and Collector 2 side challenges completed during the games, Cap was able to really just flex his muscles through the actual fights themselves. I didn't focus on farming credits, but I think Cap could definitely end with more credits per fight if you are willing to take more attempts than what I was looking to do with this run.

The key with this list was being able to get through Collector 1 - due to the number of allies in the list. However, with Strength in Numbers you can convert your allies into a card draw engine for this fight. They come in, use their THW or ATK once (twice if you have Team Training) and then keep them back for using Strength in Numbers with hopefully an extra health for any sharks you might boost into - keeping them out of the Collection.

One thing that likely helped with this run was that I started the Nebula fight with her getting 0 bonuses (no Galactic Artifact side schemes completed during Collector 2), as well I did not start the Ronan fight with "You Stand Accused!" because I was able to set up Nebula to have the stone when I defeated her (put her to 4 then did 2 basic attacks for 2 with Cap using "I can do this all day").

Just to really showcase how good Cap is, I didn't spend a single credit I received during the campaign. Here are the credit amounts I earned during the campaign:

  • Drang: 4 credits (everything but killing Badoon Headhunter)
  • Collector 1: 2 credits (win + 1 card in Collection [Stinger])
  • Collector 2: 2 credits (win + side challenge)
  • Nebula: 1 credit (win only)

I am happy that I was able to figure out a 2nd list that could make it through the campaign, showing that it isn't as impossible as it first appeared. But using Cap to complete the campaign for the 2nd time was purely a desperation move after trying the campaign with a number of different decks and heroes.

With 2 wins under my belt, I am starting to become more confident that other heroes can make it through the campaign in True Solo; but I'm certain that it's going to take a lot more trial and error to find what can truly work.


Jul 05, 2021 Vortilion · 205

How the hell can this deck win against scenario #2? For me it seems impossible. I’ve tried dozen of times now, always loose against collection. Never make it to stage 2…

Jul 22, 2021 Vortilion · 205

Any Tipps for how to beat Ronan with this deck, strategy wise? Does it make sense to try to rush?

Jul 22, 2021 DArtagnanMF · 96

@Vortilion- For my playthrough I was lucky enough to not start the Ronan fight with "You Stand Accused!" (beat Nebula while she had the stone). I also did not use the campaign side scheme since it was ruled to be optional for the Ronan fight.

For my attempts, I made sure to get Pincher Maneuver out of play, get rid of the Universal Weapon fast, and then just hammered him with Heroic Strikes every time I drew one.

If you are starting with "You Stand Accused!", the first turn is going to be really rough. You are going to have to deal with the extra attack, and you won't be able to remove the Universal Weapon without putting yourself in a really bad situation. You may just need to keep resetting the encounter until you get a beneficial turn 1. Otherwise, you'll be forced to manage too many things at once.