

Cost: 4.

Erzwungene Unterbrechung: Sobald eine Identität durch den Angriff eines Gegners eine beliebige Menge an Schaden nehmen würde, platziere den Schaden stattdessen hier. Falls dann mindestens 8 Schaden hier liegt, lege diese Karte ab und hänge eine beiseitegelegte Erfrierung an den Gegner an, der gerade angegriffen hat.

Facundo Moyano
Iceman #8. Iceman #8.

There was a discussion on BGG forum: boardgamegeek.com With the current RAW, the Frostbite card attached due to 8 or more damage being placed on this card seems to be removed without any effect.

angus · 2
Hmm. That's how I would read it too. I will almost certainly not play it that way though since the intent is clear — Stretch22 · 846
I reached out to the FFG rules team about the inconsequential Frostbite, and got this response from FFG's Rules Specialist Alex: — amavric · 1
"As for Ice Wall, the way it’s meant to be played is that the attacking enemy deals its damage, that attack finishes, and then if Ice Wall is discarded, that enemy receives a copy of Frostbite that remains until its next activation. We are looking into a small update for Ice Wall that better matches its intent, but please play it with its intent in mind going forward." — amavric · 1