

Cost: 2.

Aktion : Erschöpfe Schwesterlichkeit und lege eine X-23-Karte von deiner Hand ab → durchsuche dein Deck und deinen Ablagestapel nach Honey Badger und nimm sie auf deine Hand. (Mische.)

Das Band zwischen Laura und Gabby ist viel stärker als ihre genetische Verwandtschaft.
Allie Preswick
X-23 #8. X-23 #11.

This card is the absolute crux of any Honey Badger Voltron build. Frankly, it's a centerpiece for any X-23 deck that has an interest in the extra 'readies' that Honey Badger provides.

Even if you aren't doing a Honey Badger Voltron, this card is amazing because it recycles an ally every time that ally is eliminated. And not in a weak-sauce way, where you shuffle the card into your deck. Straight. To. Your. Hand. The insanity bit is that this card recurses a specific ally that readies the hero when the ally takes damage. Even if you chump block with her, this card will justify that cost repeatedly.

if you have a deck built around having Honey Badger ready X-23? This is the card you absolutely HAVE to get to the table.

I don't love that you have to discard an X-23 card, but since you can only use one Claw Mastery per turn, that's a solid sacrifice candidate.

MacGhille · 268