

Cost: 2.

Held Unterbrechung : Sobald der Hauptplan vollendet werden würde, entferne diese Karte aus dem Spiel und bringe einen Nebenplan aus dem Siegpunktestapel ins Spiel → verschiebe 4 Bedrohung vom Hauptplan auf den Nebenplan.

NeXt Evolution #13. Cable #15.

This card is so remarkably on brand for Cable. You toss out an upgrade that literally prevents you from failing, shunting enemy resources away in order to throw a "Hail-Mary" pass. But it costs you, by removing a resource that enhances Cable's events. What a perfectly designed card.

MacGhille · 270
Especially nice on a scenario with multiple main schemes, allowing you to choose when best to use it. Never a first play for me, but late game I never feel bad about using the Superpower training player scheme (usually the last scheme I play with Cable) to grab this. Almost like a one time Under Surveillance with benefits of reusing a useful PSS (Call for Backup or Establish Perimeter probably). — MQ2 · 48