

Cost: 4.

Unterbrechung: Sobald du durch den Angriff eines Gegners besiegt werden würdest, stelle stattdessen deinen Lebenspunktezähler auf 5 ein, mache deine Identität spielbereit und lege diese Karte ab.

Wolverine #6. Wolverine #5.
"Geht schon wieder"

This makes Wolverine the fourth hero to have "Get Out of Death Free" card. Cap was the only hero for years, then we got Drax, and suddenly within a single phase, we have both Pheonix and Wolverine being able to resurrect.

On the one hand, it's pretty thematic, as X-men generally get brought back from the dead more regularly than old Marvel Staples. Though I'm not sure where we stand with Spider-Man at this point, what with all the cloning.

In any event, this is a pretty solid resurrection card. You get 5 hit points, Wolverine is readied and you only have to discard I Got Better. Discarding means this miracle is repeatable, and readying Wolverine means he can flip to alter-ego and heal for another 6 points.

This is a remarkable card, and I think that it costing 4 resources is exactly correct.

MacGhille · 270
Spider-Ham is basically undying. With his 2 wiggle cards — ZaneBrick · 95