

Cost: 5.
Health: 4.
Attack: 3. Thwart: 1.

Reaktion: Nachdem Beta Ray Bill einen Schergen angegriffen und besiegt hat, entferne 2 Bedrohung vom Hauptplan.

"Ich mag kein eingeborener Sohn des ewigen Reiches sein, aber die Kraft in meinem Hammer kommt von Odin selbst. Also kämpfe ich für Asgard, heute und in alle Ewigkeit!"
Patrick McEvoy
Star-Lord #12.
Beta Ray Bill

Very undecided. But using Bifrost to go get Beta Ray seems fun. Not sure if five is worth it though, but the three attack is so tempting. I do play the ally Thor (Odinson), this is not strictly better, but it has my attention.

TheMaskedHero · 227
In Thor, "For Asgard!" can also find him (you can use God of Thunder to pay for it) and Team-Building Exercise - which I play in Thor anyway because he has several Asgard cards - can reduce the cost by one. I don't think you get the Team-Building reduction with The Bifrost. Still expensive (use second God of Thunder to help pay), but combos nicely with Defender of the Nine Realms, which will also help pay him because you're drawing two cards when you engage that enemy. That said, I haven't tried this and am also undecided about him! — GrootForPresident · 28