Name Class C. Type Resources Traits Pack Set
Adamantium Claws Begegnung Anhang Weapon. Mutant Genesis 67 Sabretooth 8
Animal Ferocity Begegnung Anhang Condition. Mutant Genesis 68 Sabretooth 9
Deral Rage Begegnung Nebenplan Mutant Genesis 72 Sabretooth 17
Find the Senator Begegnung Nebenplan Mutant Genesis 65 Sabretooth 6
Medical Emergency Begegnung Nebenplan Mutant Genesis 71 Sabretooth 15-16
Protect the Senator Begegnung Umgebung Mission. Mutant Genesis 65 Sabretooth 6
Robert Kelly Begegnung 0 Verbündeter Senator. Mutant Genesis 66 Sabretooth 7
Sabretooth I (I) Begegnung Schurke Brotherhood of Mutants. Mutant Genesis 60 Sabretooth 1
Sabretooth II (II) Begegnung Schurke Brotherhood of Mutants. Mutant Genesis 61 Sabretooth 2
Sabretooth III (III) Begegnung Schurke Brotherhood of Mutants. Mutant Genesis 62 Sabretooth 3
Sabretooth Strikes Begegnung Verrat Mutant Genesis 69 Sabretooth 10-11
Stalked by Sabretooth Begegnung Hauptplan Mutant Genesis 63 Sabretooth 4
Stalked by Sabretooth 1A Begegnung Hauptplan Mutant Genesis 63 Sabretooth 4
Stalked by Sabretooth 1B Begegnung Hauptplan Mutant Genesis 63 Sabretooth 4
The Injured Senator Begegnung Hauptplan Mutant Genesis 64 Sabretooth 5
The Injured Senator 2A Begegnung Hauptplan Mutant Genesis 64 Sabretooth 5
The Injured Senator 2B Begegnung Hauptplan Mutant Genesis 64 Sabretooth 5
Unreleting Savage Begegnung Verrat Mutant Genesis 70 Sabretooth 12-14